Bev's Nuts
I lived in Anne Arundel County for over 25 years. Five years ago, I visited Carroll County, fell in love with it, and purchased a home in Hampstead. I coat almonds, pecans and walnuts with meringue, cinnamon, sugar and a touch of salt, and slowly bake the nuts. They are a delicious snack and also suitable for gift-giving!
Products Offered: Spiced almonds, pecans and walnuts
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21074
Owner: Beverly Teal
E-mail: bevsnuts@comcast.net
Website: www.bevsnuts.net
Bonnie McGhee Crochet
Bonnie McGhee has been perfecting her crochet artistry for many, many years. In addition to a large inventory, Bonnie will gladly accept custom orders.
Product: Blankets, hats, scarves, dish cloths, place mats, napkin rings, pot holders
City: Reisterstown
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21136
Owner: Bonnie McGhee

Cannon Apiary
Cannon Apiary is a family-run apiary. We started raising bees in 2014 in our back yard, which is surrounded by Black Locust and Tulip Poplar trees. Our honey is very light in color and has a wonderful flavor. We lightly strain the honey, then bottle it, keeping it as natural as possible. Our honey has won many blue ribbons at the Howard County Fair.
Product: Extracted honey, creamed honey, comb honey, chunk honey, beeswax candles, small bars of honey soap
City: Frederick
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21701
Owner: Christine & Mark Cannon
E-mail: josey3731@yahoo.com

CaroLove Soaps
CaroLove Soaps is proudly entering our sixth year at the Hampstead Farmers' Market! We are committed to offering the highest quality hand-made luxury bath soaps in the area. Each bar contains Olive, Coconut, Palm and Castor Oils and Mango and Shea Butters. We offer a variety of scents in our regular, goat's milk, clay and beer lines. If you have one favorite scent, ask us about ordering "soap by the loaf" for a discount! We also make relaxing bath bombs in soothing scents. All products come wrapped, labeled with ingredients, and are ready for gift giving. We also do special orders for baby and bridal showers and other special occasions. Stop by and say hello!
City: Hampstead
Owner: Larry Foreman
E-Mail: carolovesoaps@yahoo.com

Chesapeake Dog Bites
NEW VENDOR FOR 2019! Chesapeake Bites are tasty, 100% homemade, all natural treats for your dog, made in Westminster with a grain-free, corn-free and soy-free recipe. These hypoallergenic bites are made by dog people, taste tested by dogs, and use only human-grade ingredients. A portion of all profits are donated to the Carroll County Humane Society.
Products: Homemade dog treats, handmade dog accessories (leather collars and leashes)
City: Westminster
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21157
Owner: Deb Kachik
Email: ChesapeakeDogBites@gmail.com

Cliff's Salsa
We make and package our fresh garden tomato and black bean salsas, and have been selling our products at various farmers’ markets for ten seasons. We are proud of our great following at markets. Our products are labeled as FRESH without preservatives.
Products: Salsa
City: Perryhall
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21128
Owner: Cliff Brooks
E-mail: cliffssalsa@yahoo.com

Collins Creek Farm
Collins Creek Farm is a small family-owned farm in Westminster, MD. We raise and sell tender grass-fed lamb, woodland-raised pork and free-range chicken eggs. We take pride in feeding non-
GMO feeds and following all-natural animal husbandry. We aim to provide quality cuts of meat and farm products for you and your family.
City: Westminster
Owner: Amy & David Collins
E-mail: collinscreekfarm@gmail.com
Website: www.collinscreekfarm.com

Country Heritage
Country Heritage, located near Uniontown, Md., is the product of a multi-generational farm family of bakers and crafters. We love to share our family favorites! We bake to bring the freshest and most delicious products to the Market each week. Stop by to see the Stonesifer, Lawrence, Hevner and Barnes families!
Products Offered: Cookies, bars, breads, scones, candy, tarts, gluten-free & diabetic baked goods, jams, sewing crafts, floral, wood & metal crafts
City:Union Bridge
Owners: Betty Stonesifer & Susie Lawrence
E-mail: slawr@hotmail.com

Crafty Couple Birdhouses
We love birds and the outdoors and focused that love into making license plate birdhouses and bird feeders. They are handmade of treated lumber, sprayed with color and love, then topped with a special license plate for your feathered friends to enjoy. Gives your yard and garden a pop of color, too!
City: Westminster
Owners: Larry & Cathy Damer
Website: facebook.com/craftycouplebirdhouses

Deep Run Farms
NEW VENDOR FOR 2019! Deep Run Farms is a family-owned farm in Hampstead, Maryland. We offer a wide variety of seasonal produce, including beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, collards, onions, Swiss chard, and much, much more.
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21074
Owner: Wayne, Peggy & Greg Horner
E-mail: peggums831@yahoo.com
Website: www.deeprunfarmsmaryland.com

Diveley's Fruit Farm
I am a fifth-generation fruit farmer who takes great pride in growing the highest quality fruits and vegetables. We offer many varieties of berries, fruits and vegetables, all grown organically. We are actively pursuing certification as an organic farmer.
Products Offered: Berries, fruits, vegetables
Owner: David Eiker
E-mail: davideiker@yahoo.com

Eye Candy by Yvonne & Shirl
Yvonne and Shirl are old friends who make beautiful, hand-crafted beaded jewelry. They offer a huge variety of costume jewelry, and if you don't see what you want, they will gladly custom-make your request!
Products Offered: Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings
Owner: Yvonne Shutz & Shirl Giordano
E-mail: bebon48@comcast.net

Faithful Friends Farm, LLC
We are a small family farm specializing in free range poultry, eggs, and other products grown and produced on our farm. We have a great appreciation and respect for the animals we raise and offer them the best and most natural lives possible.
Products Offered: Fresh chickens and chicken eggs, fresh duck and duck eggs, goat's milk soap, lip balm in tins, fresh herbs
City: Upperco
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21155
Owners: Robert & Connie Grill
E-mail: faithfulfriendsfarm@gmail.com
Website: www.faithfulfriendsfarm.com

Flash Crabcake Company
Jeff and Jo Gordon deliver Marryland classics -- crab cakes and cream of crab soup -- as the one and only mobile crab cake company in Maryland. Their menu is simple, but their recipes and fun approach to food service is irresistibly unique! The Food Network recently honored the Flash Crabcake Company as one of the 26 BEST food trucks in the US!
You've GOT to try them!
City: Bel Air
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21014
Owner: Jeff & Jo Gordon
E-mail: jmtw33@verizon.net

Fruitful Farm
We grow mainly fruit and some vegetables on our property located in Manchester, as well as several other locations in Hampstead and Upperco. We also sell freshly-squeezed lemonade, and new for this year, we will have various handmade craft items for sale.
Owner: Mike & Melissa Foster
E-mail: m4foster@yahoo.com

Galloping Goose Vineyards
From the grapes to the fine wines, all are grown and created on the rolling, sun-bathed hills of Galloping Goose Vineyards. Enjoy this taste of local flavor designed in the style of Bordeaux and other historic wine-growing regions of the world. We offer barrel-aged Cabernets, Petit Verdot, Barbera, and blends, as well as lightly-oaked Chardonnay, Seyval and Vidal. Our fine wines and beautiful country setting make Galloping Goose Vineyards a truly one-of-a-kind destination winery.
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21074
Owner: Diane Hale

Ginger's Jams & More
Hampstead Farmers' Market's original "Baltimore Hon," Ginger loves cooking for friends and family, and is a member of four choirs. Her baked goods have earned her numerous awards at the Maryland State Fair!
Products Offered: Jams, cupcakes, poundcakes, fudge, fry pies
Owner: Ginger Jefferson
E-mail: singginger@gmail.com

Gratefully Baked
Sisters Jenny and Katie Houck were born and raised in Hampstead, with big dreams of one day owning and operating their own family bakery. To start this journey, they are reviving their favorite baked memories, in addition to some new favorites that are loved by their own children. All baked goods are made from scratch, using fresh, local ingredients when in season.
Products: Bar cakes, pineapple upside down cake, Swedish heirloom cookies, various bar cookies, dumplings, whoopie pies
City: Hanover
State: Pennsylvania
Postcode: 17331
Owner: Jenny & Katie Houck

Greek Super Foods
Greek Super Foods of Baltimore offers a wide selection of olives and infused olive oils and vinegars.
City: Baltimore
Postcode: 21201
Owner: Dimitrios Giannakos
E-mail: greeksuperfoods@yahoo.com

Hanson Family Farm
Hanson Family Farm is located in Westminster, Md., and offers a wide variety of fresh, seasonal vegetables and fruit. Debbie Hanson was one of the Hampstead Farmers' Market's original vendors in 2010, and continues to grow her business!
Products Offered: Seasonal tomatoes, cabbage, kale, squash, onions, beets, asparagus, corn, green beans, cucumbers, peppers, cantalopes
Owner: Debbie Hanson

Hickory Wind Music
Features Catherine Shoup and Dave Victor
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21074

Hiddenvale Flowers, LLC.
We are a local farmer-florist from Manchester, Md., and are passionate about growing beautiful flowers that are fragrant and have brilliant colors. We use only natural practices to grow the healthiest flowers and to be good stewards of the land. These include using organic fertilizers, crop rotation and the application of compost tea, made on the farm. Our growing regimen is healthy for us, the environment, our pollinators, and the people receiving our flowers. The business is a family one and our core values are at the heart of everything we do. We grow these fresh blooms for wedding packages that we arrange, DIY buckets for the creative bride, and flowers for all kinds of special events.
City: Manchester
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21102
Owner: Carolyn Yeager
Email: Hiddenvaleflowers@gmail.com

Jewelry by CLM
Jewelry by CLM is a small business that specializes in one-of-a-kind handmade beaded jewelry. Every piece is made with an eye to quality and is completely unique. I have been a resident of Hampstead for over 10 years, take great pride in my work, and will make sure the jewelry you buy is perfect for you!
Products Offered: One-of-a-kind mandmade beaded jewelry
Owner:Cheryl Moyer
E-mail: jewelrybyclm@yahoo.com
Facebook: Jewelrybyclm & on Etsy

Loch Haven Farm
Brian and Cindy Dietz, along with Brian's family, operate Loch Haven Farm in Hampstead, Md. They offer all-natural beef, pork, bacon, chicken, eggs, and home-made salsa produced by James & Angela Hale of Catonsville.
Products Offered: Beef, pork, bacon, chicken, eggs, Hales's Homemade Salsa.
Owner: Brian & Cindy Dietz
E-mail: lochhavenfarm@live.com
Website: www.lochhavenfarm.com

NESAP (North East Social Action Program)
NESAP is a faith-based, non-profit organization that serves residents in need in Carroll County and parts of Baltimore County. NESAP is a cooperative community effort involving service organizations, agencies, businesses and Christian churches. Services include rent & mortgage assistance, utilities assistance, transportation assistance, medical assistance, and outreach programs (Back to School, Holiday Help, and Food Pantry) We find creative solutions to respond to the total range of our clients' needs. Our personalized services emphasize a systemic approach to help break the cycle of poverty and restore dignity and hope.
Owner: Lynn Sheavly, Exec. Director
E-mail: nesap.director@gmail.com
Address: Hampstead, MD 21074

Old Valley Farm
Old Valley Farm strives to provide the community with the highest quality organic, local, artisan breads. All of our breads are handcrafted using artisanal techniques like natural leavenings and long fermentation times to draw out the natural flavor of the grains. We also use seasonal ingredients whenever possible and mix our doughs in small batches to ensure quality.
Products Offered: Whole grain breads, baguettes, rolls, fruit & nut breads, sandwich loaves, sourdough free-form loaves, bread twists, focaccia
Owner: Luke Rupp
E-mail: oldvalleyfarm@gmail.com
Facebook.com/Old Valley Farm

Origo Coffee, INC.
Origo Coffee is a local, small-batch, artisan coffee roaster located in Hampstead. Our coffees are sourced from the birthplace of coffee, East Africa. We supply local restaurants and businesses with coffee, so come and experience Hampstead’s best, fresh-roasted, single origin coffee At the Market!
Products: Brewed coffee, ground coffee, coffee beans
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21074
Owner: Abraham Woldeselassie
Email: Abraham.w@origo-coffee.com

Pipe The Side Brewing Company
NEW VENDOR FOR 2019! Pipe the Side Brewing Company is a nanobrewery and taproom in planning that will be opening in Hampstead in late 2019/early 2020. Our mission is to create an all-inclusive, friendly gathering place focusing on exceptional, caring, responsible customer service, community involvement and thoughtfully developed craft beers that appeal across multiple demographics, while also attracting consumers from surrounding areas to serve as a catalyst for economic growth in the area.
City: Manchester
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21102
Owner: Tim Eckels, Sr., & Carol Gorsuch
E-mail: info@pipethesidebrewing.com
Website: www.pipethesidebrewingcompany.com

Rastafarmi, LLC.
Brandon and Megan Dodge operate Rastafarmi organic produce farm in Boring, Md., they have been trained in the latest organic and sustainable farming practices, and never use pesticides or other chemicals on the farm. They are also a private research farm where they study relationships between cover crops and beneficial insect populations. They grow a large array of fruits and vegetables and also sell directly to area restaurants.
Owner: Brandon and Megan Dodge
Email: b.dodge2@verizon.net

Scenic Views Photography
Original photography. Stunning scenes of local picturesque farms, waterfalls, wildlife and trains.
Products Offered: Original photographs
Owner: Sam Gunby
Email: sam-dorisgunby@comcast.net

Schwartz Sketches
I am a retired architect, having practiced for 55 years, and have lived in Carroll County for 20 years. As a past-time and a means of supplementing my income, I exhibit and sell pen and ink sketches that I have produced over the past several years.
City: Sykesville
State: Maryland
Owner: Alexis Schwartz
Email: schwartz6704@comcast.net

Shepherds Manor Creamery
We produce artisanal cheep’s milk cheese, both aged raw and pasteurized fresh from our farm’s animals. We are truly one of the few Maryland total farmstead producers of cheese, meaning from our farm completely, and we are the only sheep’s milk cheese producers in Maryland. We raise our sheep, milk our sheep, and produce all the cheese from our sheep. We are the only sheep dairy in Maryland.
City:New Windsor
Postcode: 21776
Owner: Colleen & Michael Histon

Sparkling Stars Farm, LLC.
Sparkling Stars Farm is a small family-owned farm in Westminster. We offer a wide variety of fresh vegetables, garlic, mushrooms, herbs, berries and cut flowers, all grown only using organic methods. We never use pesticides, herbicides or GMOs. Your health, and providing produce that tastes amazing, is our main priority. Early in the season, we will be providing seedlings for sale.
City: Westminster
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21158
Owner: Linda & Keith Jarrin
Email: sparklingstarsfarm@gmail.com

Stained Glass Your Way &
Eclectic Electric CBG
We are a husband-and-wife team creating hand-crafted stained glass and cigar box guitars. Sharon hand-crafts stained glass and fused glass art, jewelry and home/office décor. Items include suncatchers, panels, business card and pencil holders, candle holders, soap/trinket dishes, bowls, vases.
Brian handcrafts and repurposes cigar boxes into stunning, one-of-a-kind guitars.
Products: Stained glass suncatchers, window panels, earrings, pendants, vases, bowls, business card holders, flattened bottles.
City: Reisterstown
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21136
Owners: Sharon Yetter & Brian Long
Email: smyyetter@aol.com
Websites: www.eclecticelectriccbg.etsy.com or www.stainedglassyourway.com

Take Out Treats
A love of dogs and a quest for quality dog treats is why "Take Out Treats" was created. I bake all treats the day before the Market with the freshest ingredients and no preservatives. I offer a variety of treats in all sizes, soft and crunchy, and also treats for our canine friends with gluten allergies. Be on the lookout for new pet-related hand-crafted additions this year, such as coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. I am a Mom of a 3-year-old daughter, a 7-year-old Husky mix, and I work as a Pre-K aide during the school year. I can't wait to see you and your pups this summer!
City: Sykesville
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21784
Owners: Katie Renehan
Website: facebook.com/TakeOutTreats

Too Hot To Handle
Jennifer Price and Bob Riddle recently launched their new business to focus on their love of everything hot-pepper related! They will be offering hand-designed crafts and products related to hot peppers, and a wide variety of hot peppers grown in their garden, which should be Market-ready in August. Jennifer and Bob will also demonstrate how to make some of their favorite salsas!
Owner: Jennifer Price
Email: jprice7539@gmail.com

The Unfettered Flower
NEW VENDOR FOR 2019! The Unfettered Flower is a small family-run flower farm in Hampstead. We are passionate about sharing our love of freshly-cut flowers with our local community.
City: Hampstead
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21074
Owner: Christy Savadel
Email: csavadel@gmail.com
Instagram: @theunfetteredflower

Whispering Breeze Farm
Whispering Breeze Farm has been owned and operated by the Brower Family since 1901. Nestled right outside Taneytown, it is currently home to 3 generations of farmers and future farmers. We are blessed to own 117 acres of red clay dirt. Our herd is a diverse one and includes Holsteins, Jerseys, Linebacks, Swiss and crosses of them all! We strive to produce the highest quality milk which is then turned into our delicious cheese. We will be offering cheese, pastured beef, whole chickens and brown free range eggs.
We are excited for another season of the Hampstead Farmers' Market!
City: Taneytown
State: Maryland
Postcode: 21787
Owner: The Brower Family

Wike Family Farms
Located in Hampstead, Md., Wike Family Farms, owned and operated by Andy and Jessica Wike, offer fresh, seasonal vegetables. When the Farmers' Market is not operating, you can find their produce at their family produce stand on Rt. 482 near Gorsuch Rd.
Products Offered: Seasonal vegetables, such as corn, sweet & hot peppers, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, tomatillos. Pumpkins and gourds in the fall.
Owner: Andy & Jessica Wike
E-mail: wikefamilyfarm@gmail.com